Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Turkey Has Landed

   "The Turkey Has Landed":
 Yesterday my mother in law and I, as well as my sister in law, embarked on the frightening mission otherwise known as "Thanksgiving Shopping". We bought stuffing mix, we bought turkey, we got the seasonings that weren't in my spice cabinet yet, we dodged people rushing around in glassy eyed panic... ((including me who had never had to size up how much turkey was required to feed more than four people.))

 Did I mention I'd had about four hours sleep when I did this? Eech. Next year I hope to be considerably better prepared. We also got off to a late start. We were SUPPOSED to bail between twelve and one to head out, but the transport vehicle didn't roll into my driveway until two.

 On the plus side I've got everything to make Spaghetti and Meatballs tonight, and Hungarian Goulash Soup tomorow, and Turkey the day after, for us and our guests. ((GAH)).
 Tomorow also has the honor of being Tilmani's birthday, so I'm trying to make sure it's kind of special entirely of it's own accord, and doesn't get lost in the Holiday. ((Which is why we're having the Ghoulash, because we all love it, and it's FAIRLY simple.))

 Unfortunately none of his presents have arrived, but the extra cost to expedite shipping is really godawful. :(
I would have gotten things sooner, but it took forever to corner him to find out what he might like. We did manage between myself and family members, however, to get him some things he should REALLY enjoy.

 Anyway, cross your fingers and pray for our Thanksgiving bird to come out alright. I got one with a popper, because historically they've been pretty accurate in giving us the heads up on a done bird, and while we will have stuffing, it's not the kind that will cook while crammed up the ass of a disemboweled bird. ((I do love me some meat, but that's just not a pretty mental picture.))

 We're having Turkey (thirteen + lbs and staring at me from the fridge), a Stuffing with Cranberrys and sausage bits, Cranberry Apple Chutney, and Mashed Potatoes. Sides will probably include some rolls brought by the guests, and I believe someone will be bringing an pumpkin pie for desert. I anticipate that MiniMonster will be especially pleased with the desert.

 He seems to be trying to cut even MORE teeth, and has some bumps in the upper gum that indicate where they're trying to come through. Not sure why he decided to have a spree for the upper gums, but I'm sure he'll be so much happier when he gets a break, poor guy.

 Giving him a nightly bath has made everyone a lot happier, and we haven't, knock on wood, had another run of Night terrors. (THANK GOD.) Does mean we've played with the house thermostat though, because he definitely notices before we do if it's a little on the cold side, especially when he's freshly washed.

 Oh and he still hates socks.

1 comment:

  1. A little late getting here. I hope your Thanksgiving Day was a good one and that everything was YUMMY. Happy belated birthday Tilmani!! :D
